dog standing on gravel on the lake shore in the distance snowy mountains
dog standing on gravel on the lake shore and looks what is happening on the water in the distance are the snowy mountains of switzerland
Photo ID: dog_standing_on_gravel_on_the_lake_shore_in_the_distance_snowy_mountains
Author: Manuela Klaeui
© Manuela Klaeui
Photo size: 44.4 Mpixels (127 MB uncompressed) - 8157x5438 pixels (27.2x18.1 in / 69.1x46 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: active, animal, attentive, blue, canine, clouds, cloudy, discovering, dog, domestic animal, fun, furry, green, greenlanddog, healthy, Hiking and Wilderness, hills, Husky, lakeside, lifestyle, Manuela Klaeui, mountains, nature, nordic dogs, orange, outdoors, outside, pet, sleddog, snowdogs, standing, sunrise, watching, water, wet, white dog, XL