woman and dog standing on a pier looking towards the water
A woman and her dog standing on a jetty looking into the water while the sun rises
Photo ID: woman_and_dog_standing_on_a_pier_looking_towards_the_water
Author: Manuela Klaeui
© Manuela Klaeui
Photo size: 40.4 Mpixels (116 MB uncompressed) - 7784x5189 pixels (25.9x17.3 in / 65.9x43.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: active, animal, barefoot, blue, boats, Boats and Beaches, brown, calm, canine, dog, Dogs by Breed, Dogs with People, Dogs with Women, domestic animal, fun, healthy, hill, hot, Husky, jeans, jetty, lake, lifestyle, Manuela Klaeui, meditative, nature, nordic dog, orange, outdoors, outside, pensive, pet, Pet Lifestyles and Moments, pier, Seasons, shirt, Summer, sunrise, tattoo, thoughtful, warm, water