Latest work

elevating art, animals & industry


Earlier 2023

Shepherd dog standing in a row of potted arborvitae shrubs
A shepherd dog standing by a shopping cart of plants in a garden center
An adorable Pomsky puppy sitting on the sidewalk
A funny Pomsky puppy sitting on the sidewalk with it's eyes closed
A small Pomsky puppy sitting on the sidewalk on a leash
A tabby cat crouching down on the carpet
A long-haired tabby cat lying on a blanket looking at the camera
A long-haired tabby cat perched on an orange chair
A long-haired tabby cat walking in front of a mirror
A long-haired cat sitting on an orange chair
An orange tabby cat lying on the carpet
A long-haired tabby cat looking at the camera
An orange tabby cat playing with a string toy
A longhaired tabby cat taking a treat from a woman
A long haired cat peeking out from a table and chairs
A long-haired cat lying on a window ledge
A longhaired tabby cat lying on a window perch
An orange tabby cat lying on cream carpet
A sweet and silly Bernese Mountain Dog in fall
A happy Bernese Mountain Dog sitting in fall leaves, smiling up at the camera
A Bernese Mountain Dog lying in a fall forest
A smiling Bernese Mountain Dog lying down in a sunny fall forest
A sweet and silly Bernese Mountain Dog in fall
A profile of a  Bernese Mountain Dog sitting with his tongue out
A black newfoundland dog sits in a field of autumn wildflowers